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Guarana Bastao Stick 230g


Weight: 230g


Hand crafted guarana sticks from organically grown seeds from the indigenous people of The Amazon.  This is the traditional method of use and storage of guarana.  Many believe that this method preserves the guarana more effectively as oxidisation within the bastao stick is less likely. It is commonly believed that guarana in this form has a stronger effect as it has worked and hand crafted. Traditionally grated using the dried tongue of a Piraracu fish, it can be grated using a nutmeg grater.  Add 1 teaspoon of powder with warm water and honey, or in your favourite drink or smoothie.  These guarana sticks are only available in the UK from The Guarana Company at 25p per gram.  The fish tongues/graters are available at £19.99. Larger size guarana sticks are available on request.  Please contact the shop directly for these.

As this is a natural product the weight guide of 230g can vary slightly.